Jun 15, 2018
June 15, 2018 There are no genetically engineered (genetically modified or GM) wheat varieties approved anywhere in the world. None have ever been commercially grown and sold. However, field trials of different GM wheat varieties continue in Canada and the US, at...
Apr 25, 2018
Jul 25, 2017
From: Fillion3, Isabelle (HC/SC) [mailto:isabelle.fillion3@canada.ca] On Behalf Of Morin, David (HC/SC) Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 7:38 AM To: kwristen@livingoceans.org Subject: Health Canada Response To Your Letter Dear Mr. Butler and Ms. Wristen, Thank you for...
Mar 5, 2017
Sondage des consommateurs 2015 Un sondage mené par Ipsos en août 2015 à la demande du RCAB montre qu’en très grande majorité, les Canadiens sont sensibilisés et se sentent préoccupés sur le sujet des aliments OGM : 71% des Canadiens se disent au courant des OGM en...
Feb 16, 2017
Oct 27, 2015
Case Study: Agriculture Canada to remove Health Canada from safety assessment of some GM foods, by Lucy Sharratt, CBAN Coordinator, in The Harper Record 2008-2015, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, October 2015.