Press Releases
Consumer Concern Over GM Sweet Corn Mounts
February 26, 2014, Ottawa. Major grocery chains in Canada were reminded again today of consumer concern over genetically modified (GM, also called genetically engineered) food, and GM sweet corn in particular. “We don’t want GM sweet corn in our grocery stores. This...
Status of Golden Rice
January, 2014 Click here to download and print the pdf file “Golden Rice” is the name of a rice that has been genetically modified (GM, or genetically engineered) to produce betacarotene, which the body can convert into vitamin A. This beta-carotene gives the rice...
Canada’s Approval of GM Fish Eggs Threatens Environment, Groups Say
November 25, 2013. Ottawa. Canada’s approval of commercial production of genetically modified (GM) Atlantic salmon eggs is an alarming decision that sets Canada up to be the source of global environmental risk, says the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network and...
New study: GMO sweet corn rare in U.S. supermarkets
Nov. 14, 2013, Friends of the Earth U.S. WASHINGTON, D.C. – A first-of-its-kind investigation to look for genetically modified sweet corn in the United States has yielded...
GM Apple Closer to Regulatory Approval, Further from Consumer Acceptance
Tuesday, November 12, 2013, Ottawa – The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network and the Society for a GE-Free BC launched a new campaign today to stop the genetically modified (GM, also called genetically engineered) apple, as local groups across BC and Alberta begin a...
GM Sweet Corn Discovered in Quebec
Quebec, October 30, 2013. The Quebec group Vigilance OGM expressed its serious concerns over the introduction of a whole GM food after last night’s revelation, from a show broadcast on Télé-Québec, that genetically modified (GM) sweet corn was on grocery store shelves...
Tests Discover Unlabelled GM Sweet Corn in Canadian Grocery Stores and Farmers’ Markets
(Please note: No samples were tested from Metro stores) October 23, 2013 Ottawa – Tests have found unlabelled genetically modified (GM) sweet corn in grocery stores, roadside stands and farmers’ markets across Canada, says the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network...
Decision to Deny Ontario Environmental Assessment of GM Alfalfa a Lost Opportunity, say groups
October 7, 2013, Ottawa - Ontario’s decision not to regulate an environmental assessment of genetically modified (GM) alfalfa fails both consumers and farmers, the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN) said today. “This assessment would have been an ideal way...
Union of BC Municipalities Asks Province to Ban GE Crops and Animals
September 19, 2013, Vancouver - This morning, in an unprecedented step, the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), at their Annual General Meeting in Vancouver, passed a resolution “that UBCM ask the British Columbia government to legislate the prohibition of importing,...
Industry Launches “Coexistence Plan” for GM Alfalfa as Contamination Report Investigated in the U.S.
September 12, 2013, Ottawa - The Canadian Seed Trade Association (CSTA) has launched its “Coexistence Plan for Alfalfa Hay” to pave the way for Forage Genetics International to sell genetically modified (GM) alfalfa in Canada. The plan was released just as a report of...