Briefings to government
CBAN Testimony on GM Animals
CBAN testified at Agriculture Committee hearings on “Genetically Modified Animals for Human Consumption” and provided related information. (October 2016)
RE: US Government Changes to Requirements for Field Testing Regulated Genetically Engineered Wheat
October 26, 2015 Comments to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Docket No. APHIS–2015–0070, Changes to Requirements for Field Testing Regulated Genetically Engineered Wheat. Submitted by the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network and the Organic Agriculture Protection Fund of the Saskatchewan Organic Directorate
CBAN Comments on Draft Policy on “Low Level Presence”
CBAN has commented multiple times on a draft “Low Level Presence” policy to allow for contamination from unapproved genetically modified foods (2015, 2013, 2011) and has testified before a Parliamentary committee on this issue.
CBAN Remarks to the UN Rapporteur on the Right to Food
Our remarks “Genetic Engineering in Canada and the Right to Food Internationally” include discussion of Canada’s regulatory model and activities promoting the technology around the world. 2012.
The Need to Support Bill C-474 & Know the Economic Risk to Export Markets
This 2011 briefing presents some information and analysis in support of Bill C-474 that would have required that “an analysis of potential harm to export markets be conducted before the sale of any new genetically engineered seed is permitted.”
The Need to Consider the Potential Economic Harm of GMOs Prior to Commercial Release
This 2010 briefing provides a brief history of GM contamination incidents in Canada as well as an overview of the particular market risks posed by the proposed introduction of GM alfalfa, wheat, pork and salmon.
Flax Contamination
This short briefing note alerted Members of Parliament to the contamination of Canadian exports by GM flax, pointed out unanswered questions and suggested required actions. 2009.
Canada’s WTO Dispute with Europe over GMOs
This briefing outlines Canada’s dispute at the World Trade Organization with the European Union over GM crop approvals. It was launched in 2003 and Canada ended their part in the dispute in 2009.
Potential Impacts of Genetically Engineered Trees
This paper is a critique of the information document on GE trees made available by the Convention on Biological Diversity for the consideration of government delegates (SBSTTA-13). At issue is a civil society demand for a moratorium on GE tree field tests and commercial releases. Joint Commentary (2008)