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Take Action

These are the current strategic actions we ask you to take with us. Thank you!

Mexico Solidarity

2024: The Government of Canada is supporting a trade challenge launched by the US to overturn Mexico’s new ban on genetically modified corn. Sign the petition to support Mexico’s right to restrict GM corn. Click here to take action.

No Exemptions

2023: Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have removed regulation for some genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Ask the ministers for mandatory safety assessments for all genetically engineered (genetically modified) foods and crops. Click here to take action.


Stop GE Trees

December 2023: The US government is considering a request to allow the release of genetically engineered (GE or genetically modified) American chestnut trees into US forests. The GE trees could spread from US forests into forests in eastern Canada. Researchers say they will also ask the Canadian government to approve planting this GE tree in Canadian forests. Click here to take action.


Stop GM Fish

Some genetically engineered (GE or genetically modified) Atlantic salmon is being sold in Canada, unlabelled. The salmon are engineered to be fast-growing with a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from ocean pout. It is the first GM food animal in the world. Take action to stop unlabelled GM fish in the grocery store and to prevent a risk to the future of wild salmon. Click here to take action.