Feb 6, 2017
By Lucy Sharratt, CBAN. Published December 2016 in the BC Organic Grower In March 2015, Okanagan Specialty Fruits (OSF) got approval for its GM non-browning Golden Delicious and Granny Smith apples in both Canada and the United States. The US government also just...
Jul 27, 2016
by Lucy Sharratt, Power & Influence magazine, The Hill Times, July 2016 After twenty years, the use of genetically engineering (more popularly called genetic modification or GM) in food and farming is still being fought over in Canada and around the world, and is...
Oct 27, 2015
Case Study: Agriculture Canada to remove Health Canada from safety assessment of some GM foods, by Lucy Sharratt, CBAN Coordinator, in The Harper Record 2008-2015, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, October 2015.
Aug 1, 2014
by Lucy Sharratt, CBAN, Common Ground, August 2014. A French study on the safety of a genetically modified (GM, also called genetically engineered) corn has just been republished. This seemingly ordinary event is globally significant. The study and the public fight...
Oct 1, 2013
Biotech plays the world hunger card to promote GMOs, by Lucy Sharratt and Taarini Chopra, CBAN, in Common Ground Magazine, October 2013.
Jul 1, 2013
by Taarini Chopra, CBAN, in Alternatives Journal, Jul 2013. (Food and Drink issue 39.4)