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A very small amount (possibly 2,500 acres) of one or more varieties of genetically modified (GM or genetically engineered) virus-resistant squash are grown in the US. Bayer (via its subsidiary Seminis) sells some seeds for planting in the US. They are not grown in Canada but can be imported as food.

In 2024, there is at least one GM squash sold in the US by Bayer: SV6009YG

There are two virus-resistant GM traits approved for use in squash for human consumption in Canada. However, this squash is not grown in Canada.

  • Not grown in Canada” is how the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) describes the regulatory status for growing the GM squash. What does “not grown in Canada” mean? Was the GM squash denied approval in Canada? Did the company not request approval in Canada? The CFIA “can neither confirm or deny whether the CFIA received applications for the assessment of specific products, as this is confidential business information of the developer.” Click here to read the CFIA’s response to CBAN.

Bayer’s 2024 Technology Use Guide for squash states: “Produce may be sold ONLY as fresh market produce (not for processing purposes) and ONLY for human and animal consumption in the United States and human consumption in Canada. U.S. growers may export Produce to Canada, but not to any other country, and the Produce may not be re-exported from Canada.” Click here to read Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Squash Frequently Asked Questions.