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Choose Non-GMO Seeds

The only genetically modified (GM or genetically engineered) fruit and vegetable seeds currently sold in Canada are GM sweet corn seeds.

But this could change in 2025. Bayer (formerly Monsanto) is getting ready to sell GM mustard greens (gene edited to taste less mustardy). Bayer says they want to sell the GM seeds to home gardeners and market gardeners. For more information see

Make sure you are buying non-GM Brassica juncea seeds and lettuce seeds/salad mixes.

There are many ways to make sure you are buying only non-GMO vegetable seeds.

All organic seeds are, by definition non-GMO and there are also many other local ecological seed growers that provide non-GMO seeds. Many of these local seed companies have booths at Seedy Saturday/Sunday events, farmers markets, or sell through food co-ops and seed co-ops.

If you already source your fruit and vegetables seed from a local company, write to them to confirm that they sell only non-GMO seed and send them our GM greens alert so they have information about this latest threat.

If you are searching for a local seed company to purchase from, the following information can help you find a non-GMO source:  

For questions or to share information, email Fionna at

Subscribe: Click here to subscribe for updates and action alerts in the No GMO Salad campaign. 

Seedy Action: Are you going to a Seedy Saturday event in 2025? Help CBAN share our information on the threat of the GM greens and other GM seeds.
Download or request our information flyer to share. Contact Fionna at

More information and action: