Alert: GM Sweet Corn at Whole Foods
Genetically modified (GM or genetically engineered) fresh sweet corn has been found in the produce sections of seven Whole Foods Markets in BC and Ontario: in Oakville, Mississauga, Yorkville, Yonge & Sheppard, and Ottawa, and in West Vancouver and Victoria stores. GM sweet corn could also be in the other stores in BC and Ontario. The GM sweet corn is identified as “bioengineered” on signs next to the corn bins.
Take Action
- If you shop at Whole Foods, please consider speaking to the Store Manager or Produce Manager and ask them to remove “bioengineered”/GM sweet corn from their produce section. Click here for some talking points to help your conversation.
- Email and tell them to remove GM sweet corn and eliminate all GM fruits and vegetables from Whole Foods’ produce section. For background, read our letter to Whole Foods.
- If you shop at another grocery store, ask to speak to the Store Manager or Produce Manager to ask if the store is selling GM sweet corn or has a policy to sell only non-GM produce. If you shop at a major grocery chain click here to get contacts to email the head office.
- Help investigate. If you live near the Whole Foods Market locations of Kitsilano, Burnaby, North Vancouver, Robson, or Cambie in BC, or, Leaside or Markham in Ontario, please consider visiting the store to find out if they are selling the GM sweet corn. Please take a photograph and email Fionna at to report your findings. Click here for the addresses of Whole Foods Market stores.
Avoiding GM Sweet Corn
The best way to avoid genetically modified (GM) sweet corn is to buy organic if you can. Certified organic produce is non-GM – organic farming prohibits the use of GMOs.
You can shop locally at stores that do not sell GM corn. Visit these stores or ask your local store for their policy:
- In Ottawa, check the retail stores on the Savour Ottawa Buy Local Guide.
- In Toronto, you can shop at The Big Carrot Community Market which has an all-organic produce section.
- Send us the name of your local store:
Speak directly to farmers at markets, or produce managers at your local store to verify that the sweet corn for sale is non-GM. Click here for some information to help your conversation.
For more information see our consumer guide on GM sweet corn.
CBAN’s testing of sweet corn samples from Canadian grocery stores between 2013 and 2016, as well as in 2020, found very little GM sweet corn, with some years showing none at all. By discussing this with your local retailer, you can help ensure this trend continues. You can help create non-GMO produce sections in stores across Canada!
For more information on GM corn and the health risks and environmental impacts see
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